OWON RDS1021l Wave Rambler - Pen-type PC Oscilloscope

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: OWON

  • Model: RDS1021I

  • Description:

    The Owon Wave Rambler is USB2.0-powered and connected and features a large 5kSa buffer and fast 100MSa/s sampling to capture high-speed signals

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The Owon Wave Rambler is USB2.0-powered and connected and features a large 5kSa buffer and fast 100MSa/s sampling to capture high-speed signals. A built-in x1/x10 switch allows higher voltage signals up to 50V to be displayed (vertical sensitivity is 5mV/div – 5V/div). The horizontal scale can be set between 5ns/div and 100s/div. Control of the Wave Rambler is by means of a unique trackball built into the probe top for easy use no need to take hands-off and adjust the PC!

The Wave Rambler even performs a range of automatic measurements: Vpp, Vavg, Vrms, Freq, Period, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, and -Duty. It can also show sampled, peak detect, and average waveforms. Stable waveform triggering can be provided by signal edge, slope, and pulse.

Compact in size (5.9 × 0.8 × 0.7), very lightweight (1 oz) and very affordable, the Wave Rambler is ideal for a mobile servicing toolkit. Included with the Wave Rambler is a ground clip, a protective Cover, a software CDROM, a quick-start manual, and a USB Cable.

25MHz bandwidth
100MS/s sample rate
5K record length
FFT function
Human engineering design
Multi- action mode via creative trackball
Multi- trigger option : edge, slope, and pulse
5mV micro signal supported
USB bus powering, and optional USB isolated function
Easy portability, pocket accommodated

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