OWON TDS7104 Touch-screen DSO

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: OWON

  • Model: TDS7104

  • Description:

    4 Channels 100MHz 1GS/s OWON TDS Series Touch-screen DSO

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TDS7000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes are high performance solutions for verification, debug and characterization of sophisticated electronic designs. The family features exceptional signal acquisition performance, operational simplicity and open connectivity to the design environment. Classic analog-style controls, a large touch-sensitive display and graphical menus provide intuitive control. Open access to the Microsoft Windows operating system enables unprecedented customization and extensibility.

TDS7000 models range from 500 MHz to 4 GHz bandwidth with single-shot sample rates to 20 GS/s, meeting demands of the latest high speed logic families and multi-Gigabit communication standards. Acquisition memory options from 2 to 32 Megasamples maximize the value of high sample rate and ensure that critical events are captured with fine detail.

High performance jitter analysis to 1.5 ps RMS is achieved through exceptional trigger and acquisition performance, deep memory and applied software.

TDS7000 Series high bandwidth signal access solutions include the P7240 4 GHz (120 ps rise time) active probe and the P7330 3.5 GHz (<130 ps rise time, typical, <140 ps guaranteed) differential probe. Small form-factors and a wide array of tip accessories ensure effectiveness. In addition, the TDS7404, TDS7254 and TDS7154 include the TekConnect signal interconnect system. This interface replaces traditional BNC input connectors with a convenient positive-locking interface suitable for higher system bandwidths. P7000 Series probes are directly compatible with TekConnect signal interconnect system along with adapters that provide SMA, BNC and N connections.

Max 200MHz bandwidth, up to 2GS/s realtime sample rate
7.6M record length
50,000 wfms/s waveform capture rate
waveform zooming (horizontal / vertical), and saving
FFT points (length, and resolution variable)
multi-window extension
user-friendly voice warning
8 inch 800 × 600 pixels high def LCD
multi- communication interface : USB, VGA, LAN

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