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Range - 5 psi / 34 kPa
Resolution - 0.0001 / 0.001
Reference Uncertainty (23 ± 3° C) - 0.025%
Total¹ Uncertainty 1 year - 0.050
High Side Media² - 316 SS
Low Side Media² - Dry
1) Total uncertainty, one year for temperature range 0° C + 50° C.
Total uncertainty, 1.0% of full span for temperature range - 10° C to 0° C.
Compensated temperature range is 15° C to 35° C.
2) "Dry" indicates dry air or non-corrosive gas as compatible media.
"316 SS" indicates media compatible with Type 316 Stainless Steel.
"C276" indicates media compatible with Hastelloy C276.
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