Keithley 4200-SCS Parameter Analyzer

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Keithley

  • Model: 4200-SCS

  • Description:

    Keithley 4200-SCS/C-SMU-SMU Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer 

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The easy-to-use Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System performs lab grade DC and pulse device characterization, real-time plotting, and analysis with high precision and sub-femtoamp resolution. The 4200-SCS offers the most advanced capabilities available in a fully integrated characterization system, including a complete, embedded PC with Windows operating system and mass storage. Its self-documenting, point-and-click interface speeds and simplifies the process of taking data, so users can begin analyzing their results sooner. Additional features enable stress-measure capabilities suitable for a variety of reliability tests as well as provide precision measurement and high resolution with LCR meter support.Optional Instrumentation:Model 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V ModuleModel 4220-PGU Pulse Generator Unit (Voltage-Source only)Model 4225-RPM Remote Amplifier/SwitchModel 4200-SMU Medium Power Source-Measure UnitModel 4210-SMU High Power Source-Measure Unit for 4200-SCSModel 4200-PA Remote PreAmp Option for 4200-SMU and 4210-SMUModel 4210-CVU 1kHz – 10MHz Capacitance Voltage Measurement UnitModel 4200-SCP2 Dual-Channel Oscilloscope CardModel 4200-SCP2HR 200MS Dual-Channel Oscilloscope CardUltra-Fast I-V Application Package:Model 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V Module

Intuitive, point-and-click Windows-based environmentUnique Remote PreAmps extend the resolution of SMUs to 0.1fAC-V instrument makes C-V measurements as easy as DC I-VPulse and pulse I-V capabilities for advanced semiconductor testing Scope card provides integrated scope and pulse measure functionalitySelf-contained PC provides fast test setup, powerful data analysis, graphing and printing, and on-board mass storage of test resultsUnique browser-style Project Navigator organizes tests by device type, allows access to multiple tests, and provides test sequencing and looping controlBuilt-in stress/measure, looping, and data analysis for point-and-click reliability testing, including five JEDEC compliant sample testsIntegrated support for a variety of LCR meters, Keithley switch matrix configurations, and both Keithley Series 3400 and Agilent 81110 pulse generatorsIncludes software drivers for leading analytical probers

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