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Manufacturer: Fluke
Model: PPC4-ui xxxxy/zzzzy
PPC4 – Redefining premium performance in a digital pressure calibrator or portable pressure calibrator
Now with ranges up to 14 MPa (2,000 psi)
4 ppm control precision now to as low as 1 kPa absolute (0.15 psia)
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The basic and advanced PPC4 includes all the pressure transducer calibrationfeatures you expect ina state-of-the-art digital pressure calibrator
The importance of control precision is increasing with the recent trend for covering multiple pressure ranges with a single calibrator/ controller.
Learn more in “Why control precision matters.”
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Portable pressure calibrator, rugged enough for mobile applications and standard shipment without special packaging
Advanced user interface with full support in 11 languages
Covers the absolute range of 1 kPa (0.15 psi) to 14 MPa (2,000 psi) and gauge equivalent, including very low differential pressure
Control precision to 4 ppm of Q-PRT span, default 0.005% of Autoranged range
Three different Q-RPT measurement classes available to fit different performance requirements
Measured and delivered pressure uncertainties calculated real-time and available on remote and local interfaces
Q-RPTs can be located in an external RPM4 so that PPC4 does not need to be shipped or removed for recalibration
AutoRange feature optimizes and sets measurement, control and safety features for the specific range of the test beign run with a few simple entries
Dynamic and static control modes with default or user specified parameters
Common remote command protocol withFluke Calibration PPC3 pressure controllers
Front panel USB connection and free cockpit software for full PC-based plug-and-play functionality
Multiple remote interface options: RS232 and front panel USB included, IEEE-488.2 or Ethernet and rear USB optional
Instantaneous switching between absolute, gauge and bidirectional gauge modes without added hardware or calibration requirements
Instantaneous switching between control and measure modes with no pressure discontinuity
Automated AutoZeroing while vented at atmospheric pressure
16 SI and US pressure units as well as user definable uits
Simple, objective pressure ready/not ready indicator with user adjustable criteria
Automatic pressure head correction
On-board, programmable calibration sequences with UUT tolerance testing
Automated leak testing routines
Valve drivers option for system design
Automated self purging liquid trap (SPLT) accessory available for protection against liquid contamination
Flash memory for simple and free embedded software upgrades from
_and much more
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