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Includes an input cable with banana terminations, banana extensions, sprung-hook clips, alligator clips, needle probes, and spade lugs to connect the Model 2182A to virtually any DUT. The kit is also used to connect the Model 2182A directly to the Model 622X guard to improve response time for pulsed measurements or to reduce errors when measuring high impedance devices. For use with: 2182A, 6220, 6221, 6220/2182A, 6221/2182A
Includes an input cable with banana terminations, banana extensions, sprung-hook clips, alligator clips, needle probes, and spade lugs to connect the Model 2182A to virtually any DUT. The kit is also used to connect the Model 2182A directly to the Model 622X guard to improve response time for pulsed measurements or to reduce errors when easuring high impedance devices.
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