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The Series 2280S Precision Measurement, Low Noise, Programmable DC Power Supplies can source stable, low noise voltages as well as monitor load currents over a wide dynamic range from amps to nanoamps. The Model 2280S-32-6 can output up to 32V at up to 6A; the Model 2280S-60-3 can output up to 60V at up to 3.2A.
Both supplies use linear regulation to ensure low output noise and superior load current measurement sensitivity. A high resolution color Thin Film Transistor (TFT) screen displays a wide range of information on measurements. Soft-key buttons and a navigation wheel combine with the TFT display to provide an easy-to-navigate user interface that speeds instrument setup and operation. In addition, built-in plotting functions allow monitoring trends such as drift. These supplies provide the flexibility required for both benchtop and automated test system applications. For example, they provide a list mode, triggers, and other speed optimization functions to minimize test time in automated testing applications.
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