Hp/Agilent/Keysight N6784A 4-Quadrant General-Purpose Source/Measure Unit, 20 V, 1 A or 6 V, 3 A, 20 W

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: N6784A

  • Description:

    The Keysight N6784A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed for general-purpose precision sourcing and measurement.

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The Keysight N6784A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed for general-purpose precision sourcing and measurement. General-purpose applications can span many different industries and many different devices under test (DUTs). The N6784A SMU is a versatile tool designed to tackle many of these general-purpose applications. Its glitch-free operation ensures safe usage with the DUT during output and measurement range changes, even with capacitances of up to 150 F. Its 4-quadrant operation enables it to act as a bipolar power supply or a bipolar electronic load, for added versatility. When using the N6784A SMU, engineers can be confident that they have an all-around general-purpose tool for their test systems or lab bench.

Other features and benefits of the N6784A:

Glitch-free sourcing and measurement change output and measurement ranges without any glitches

4-quadrant operation perform as a bipolar voltage or current source or as a bipolar CV or CC electronic load

Four current programming ranges – precisely source current down A

Four current measurement ranges precisely capture the current levels of the DUT during different modes of operation

Excellent transient response keep voltage or current stable during high-speed load changes

Fast modulation of DC create waveforms up to 100 kHz to stimulate or load down the DUT

High-speed digitized measurements capture/view the power consumption of the DUT up to every 5 s with built-in 200 kHz digitizer

Other N6700 SMUs:

N6781A 2-Quadrant Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis

N6782A 2-Quadrant Source/Measure Unit for Functional Test

This module is used in both the small, multiple output 1U high N6700 Low-Profile Modular Power System (for ATE systems) and the multiple output N6705 DC Power Analyzer (for bench testing). GPIB, LAN, USB, and LXI compliance are standard. Select from more than 20 different DC power modules, ranging in capability from basic to high precision, and in power from 20 – 300 W.

Overview of this modular system

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