Hp/Agilent/Keysight U4611B Protocol Analyzer for USB 3.0/2.0, 18 GB

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: U4611B

  • Description:

    Keysight’s new USB protocol analyzers have the industry’s most powerful triggering engine and deepest trace buffers to help you quickly find and fix your most elusive problems!

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USB’s range of speeds, protocol complexity and endless variety of devices demand that you have state-of-the-art tools to troubleshoot and validate your design and verify its interoperability. Keysight’s U4611B is, quite simply, the most powerful protocol analyzer for USB 3.0/2.0 available today. It combines the industry’s deepest trace buffer with its most powerful triggering engine. Real-time trace indexing and a clean, intuitive GUI allow for fast, efficient navigation and analysis, allowing you to validate and troubleshoot your USB designs more quickly and with higher confidence than ever before. Try out the U4611B USB analyzer, and see what you’ve been missing!

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