Hp/Agilent/Keysight 8712ET RF Network Analyzer (T/R), 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: 8712ET

  • Description:

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The Keysight 8712ET features a built-in transmission/reflection test set with a full range of magnitude and phase measurements. Two independent channels can measure and display two device parameters, such as transmission and reflection response, in a variety of formats including complex impedance, SWR, and delay, on rectangular, polar or Smith-chart displays. These analyzers also employ vector-error-correction techniques to enhance measurement accuracy.

For a wider range of output power levels to test active devices and components, Option 1E1 adds a 60-dB step attenuator as a standard feature, which extends the lowest power-level setting to -60 dBm. Both 50-ohm and 75-ohm versions are available.

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