Hp/Agilent/Keysight E2922A PCI-X Master Target Card

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: E2922A

  • Description:

    Technical data sheet for the Keysight Technologies E2922A master target card.

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The Keysight E2922A PCI-X master target card provides a new generation of verification tools for the latest PCI-X technology, which allow you to test and verify devices and subsystems that use 133 MHz PCI-X I/O bus technology. It provides validation engineers in the semiconducter industry, a fast and predictable way to setup PCI-X traffic and verify compliance of first/new silicons e.g. chipsets.The E2922A is a dedicated validation solution for test setups where full population of all available PCI-X slots is required. The combined PCI-X exercising and protocol checker cababilities together with its in-system programmability, makes the E2922A the ideal test tool for the computer s core logic. It is operated by the C-API (C Application Interface) through the PCI-X interface, and integrates easily into existing test environments.Please see the downloadable document for the changes and differences from version A to B.For complete details, click on the E2922A Technical Specifications link.PCI-X is a registered trademark of PCI SIG.Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 0 to 133.4 MHz clock speed64 bit data and addressingFully PCI-X compliant53 PCI-X protocol rulesControllable in-system through PCI-XExerciser with full capabilities, including split transactions and 1MB data memory and real time data generatorUnidirectional data path verification

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