Hp/Agilent/Keysight N6032A Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 15-Bit, 625 MS/s

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: N6032A

  • Description:

    Keysight’s N6032A arbitrary waveform generator delivers unprecedented performance for creation of complex wideband waveforms

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This product is not recommended for new design. Recommended alternative is the M9330A Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 15 bit, 1.25GS/s

Keysight’s N6032A arbitrary waveform generator delivers unprecedented performance for creation of complex wideband waveforms. High sampling rate and high bit resolution provided in a single instrument enable designers to create ideal waveforms for accurate test of radar, satellite and frequency agile systems. Each channel of the N6032A provides 250 MHz of modulation bandwidths and over 65 dBc of spurious free dynamic range. When the N6032A is combined with a wideband I/Q upconverter, modulation bandwidth of 500 MHz can be realized at microwave frequencies for authentic signal simulations for IF and RF subsystem test.

Typical applications using these products include RADAR, military communication T&M and aerospace defense T&M applications.

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