Hp/Agilent/Keysight U7227C USB Preamplifier, 100 MHz to 26.5 GHz

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: U7227C

  • Description:

    The U7227C 100 MHz to 26.5 GHz USB preamplifier is designed with reliable gain and low noise figure to improve overall system performance and reduce systematic errors when used with X-series signal analyzers for noise figure measurement applications.

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The U7227C, 100 MHz to 26.5 GHz USB preamplifier is designed to bring reliable gain and low noise figure to measurement systems improving the overall system performance and reduce systematic errors a total solution to the X-Series signal analyzers to perform noise figure measurement

When connected to the X-Series signal analyzers, the USB preamplifiers can automatically configure the analyzers to detect the specific preamplifier connected, and download the embedded calibration data such as gain, noise figure and S-parameters. The calibration data provides accurate correction data and more repeatable results for each actual measurement made.

View the N9000 X-Series Signal Analyzer Data Sheets

Embedded smart features and benefits:

Automatic gain correction value with temperature compensation and transfer of calibration data (noise figure and S-parameters) through USB plug and play features for improve noise figure measurements when used with the X-Series signalanalyzers

Excellent noise figure and optimized gain with the X-Series signal analyzers improves measurement accuracy and minimizes uncertainty

Provides ultra-broadband operating frequency from 100 MHz up to26.5 GHz for various applications

Rugged and portable design for bench top measurements or remote front end field applications

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