Hp/Agilent/Keysight C1281A ASUR Single Device Reliability (ASUR SDR)

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: C1281A

  • Description:

    ASUR SDR is a high-performance, low-cost, accelerated reliability and parametric solution for single-site testing using instruments-based solutions on the Windows platform.

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Single-site device reliability

Unified hardware and software
reliability solution

Core Wafer Systems PDQ-WLR

Interactive measurements and
low-cost parametric test

Cost-effective, scalable systems for reliability and parametric tests for modern manufacturing

Keysights Advanced Scalable Unified Reliability (ASUR) family of reliability test products provides a range of solutions for different needs, budgets, experience levels and strategies. The Single Device Reliability (ASUR SDR) product provides a PC and instruments-based solution for single device-at-a-time reliability testing with modest equipment investment using proven reliability test algorithms. ASUR SDR complements the parallel, multi-site
ASUR PDR product which provides advanced accelerated to long-term reliability test with higher throughput.

ASUR SDR is a high-performance, low-cost, accelerated reliability and parametric solution for single-site testing that incorporates the proven accelerated techniques of Core Wafer Systems PDQ-WLR using instruments-based solutions. ASUR SDR is part of the ASUR scalable set of solutions: one hardware, one software, from instruments to system testers.

Reliability test with confidence

JEDEC Standard reliability test algorithms in ASUR are in their fifth generation. This suite is a fully tested and supported with over 10 years of in-field experience and validation.

Electromigration (EM)

Bias Temperature Stress (BTS)

Gate Oxide Integrity (GOI)

Hot Carrier Injection (HCI)

Bias Temperature Instability (BTI)

Keysight instruments supported:

Keysight 4155/6 B/C

Keysight E5250, B2200 and B2201 switch matrix

Keysight 81110A, 8114A pulse generators

Keysight 4284A CV meter

Keysight 4294A impedance analyzer

Keysight E5288A ASU, atto-sense unit

Keysight 41000-400 to -100 series systems

Keysight power supplies

PDQ-WLR is a registered trademark of Core Wafer Systems


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