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Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight
Model: C1282A
ASUR RDA is a high-performance, low-cost, accelerated reliability and parametric test data analysis solution. ASUR RDA speeds lifetime extraction for faster test cycle time and time-to-decisions.
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Parametric reliability analysis
Supports ASUR SDR and ASUR PDR data
Easy to use
Get reliability analysis fast
ASUR RDA provide the data analysis for the ASUR Total Solution
ASUR RDA is a high-performance, low-cost, accelerated reliability and parametric test data analysis solution. This Reliability Aware product is optimized for reliability analysis. ASUR RDA speeds lifetime extraction for faster test cycle time and time-to-decisions.
ASUR RDA for Seamless Reliability Analysis
ASUR RDA provides powerful, built-in EM, HCI and dielectric statistical distribution plotting and lifetime extraction. Advanced filtering, macro data manipulation and plotting capabilities are tailored for semiconductor reliability test and analysis. Filtering allows large datasets to be pared down to specific analysis datasets and tasks. Macros can be applied to both scalar and vector data over time. Plotting includes wafer mapping and reliability statistical plots. Data tunneling allows outliers and novel points to be traced back to specific wafer die locations, lots and tests facilitating process optimization and failure analysis based on reliability.
Keysight ASUR RDA is post-test statistical and physical analysis software. It aids in the analysis of production, development or qualification test data taken by the Keysight ASUR test software.
With a GUI interface and PDQ-WLR database links, access to the source of unusual or defective data is literally a mouse click away.
Click on the defective data and the source of this data (e.g. lot, wafer, site, date, operation, etc.) is displayed. If the I-V curve used to generate the data point is stored, one more mouse click will reveal this information. These features make ASUR RDA post-measurement analysis capability sophisticated and easy-to-use.
Keysight ASUR RDA provides standard statistical analysis graphical tools such as Log-Normal Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) plots with Least Squares Fit (LSF). Since the operation is simple and GUI-based, complicated statistical analysis required for reliability can be done without much knowledge about the statistical theory. For example, the fit can be graphically changed to fit the main or defective population. Then, clicking on outlying data quickly identifies its source.
In addition to the statistical analysis tools, Keysight ASUR RDA provides physical reliability analysis capability. Physical reliability parameters are easily determined for the following:
Hot-Carrier Degradation Lifetime extraction (Ib, 1/Vd and Ig model)
Electromigration activation energy and lifetime extraction
In addition, a unique and easy-to-use graphical calculator provides advanced users with the capability to perform mathematical operations on any set of data variables. Frequently used functions can be stored and accessed as macros in the calculator window. This gives the user significant freedom in defining new acceleration models and extracting the parameters. Direct extraction to and import of spreadsheet data further enhances the customization.
Keysight ASUR RDA also supports trend charts for Statistical Process Control (SPC) in a production environment. Keysight ASUR RDA provides complete data manipulation capability including data merge (from different lots, tests, processes, etc.) data filter for filtering of useful/defect/bad data from the group data sorting and data extraction with simple graphical operation.
ASUR RDA has features and support including:
Seamless integration with ASUR SDR and PDR test platformsprovides a common integrated reliability analysis tool
Supports single-site or multi-site test results
Apply filtering macros to vector or scalar data
Visual data analysis representation of filters and display frames
Save analysis steps as methods
Plot multiple overlayed vector sets such as Id vs. Vg over time
Built-in statistical distributions: Weibull
Wafer mapping of single or multiple wafers overlay multiple wafers
Built-in WLR analysis: EM, HCI, oxide lifetime
Quickly identify and isolate outliers
Quickly and efficiently tunnel through very large data sets
ASCII file input formats
Excel exporting of data sets
Data Sort, Limit, Extract
Graphical Data Calculator with scientific functions
X-Y-plots on any variable or calculated variable with Least Square Fit (LSF) of graphically specified range of data
Log-Normal Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) plots with LSF on any range of data
Normal CDF plots
Weibull distribution
Extreme Value distribution. A plot with LSF on selected range and confidence bound is shown
Histogram plot
Full-color single or lot report wafer maps
EM activation energy analysis with lifetime prediction plot
HCI lifetime analysis
Confidence bounds (upper, lower, both) for all plots with LSF on any visually specified range
Statistical Process Control (SPC) trend charts
CSV and xgraph for raw measurement data display
Presentation-quality graphics: export as GIF, TIFF, EPS for ASUR RDA on HPUX/Linux also EMF for ASUR RDA on windows
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