Hp/Agilent/Keysight N2791A 25 MHz high-voltage differential probe

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: N2791A

  • Description:

    Use the N2791A 25-MHz low-cost high-voltage differential probe to make safe and accurate floating measurements with an oscilloscope.

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Use the N2791A 25-MHz low-cost high-voltage differential probe to make safe and accurate floating measurements with an oscilloscope. The N2791A differential probe allows conventional earth-grounded Keysight oscilloscopes to be used for floating signal measurements of up to 700 V of differential voltage and common mode voltage.

The probe is compatible with any oscilloscope with 1 M BNC input. The probe power is supplied by included 4x AA batteries or USB host port of the scope or PC via a supplied USB power cable.

Key features:

25 MHz bandwidth

User-selectable attenuation settings of 10:1 or 100:1

Rated to measure differential and common mode voltage up to 700 V at 100:1 mode

Powered by included 4x AA batteries or USB host port of scope or PC

Included accessories:

Two retractable hook tips

Two alligator clips

Compatible oscilloscopes:

Compatible with any oscilloscope with 1 M BNC input

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