Hp/Agilent/Keysight N2738A Soft carrying case for the 1000 Series oscilloscopes

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: N2738A

  • Description:

    Soft case for 1000 Series oscilloscopes

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The N2738A soft carrying case is the perfect accessory for storing and carrying your DSO1000 Series oscilloscope. The case is designed for convenience all of your probes, manuals, and connectors can be stored with your oscilloscope and the ergonomic design makes it easy to take it all with you.

Easy transport and storage of your 5000 Series oscilloscope Front zippered pouch for manualsPadded carrying handle Ergonomically-placed shoulder strap ringsSturdy designPadded sides and bottomDouble-reinforced seams Stays upright when empty for easier packing

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