Anritsu Network Performance Tester MP1590B

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Anritsu

  • Model: MP1590B

  • Description:

    The MP1590B Network Performance Tester is a measuring instrument capable of measuring IP networks up to 10 GbE using the Ethernet plug-in modules of the MD1230B test system, as well as traditional functions including testing of PDH, DSn, SDH/SONET, and OTN equipment and jitter measurement.

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The Network Performance Tester MP1590B is capable of measuring IP networks up to 10G Ethernet using the Ethernet plug-in modules of the MD1230B test system, as well as traditional functions including testing of PDH, DSn, SDH/SONET, and OTN equipment and jitter measurement, with only one box. A new EoS unit supports Ethernet over SDH/SONET measurement, virtual concatenation, and LCAS measurement to enable testing of next-generation SDH/SONET equipment. The MP1590B can perform simultaneous applications — such as SDH/SONET, OTN, EoS, jitter, and Ethernet measurement — using combinations of plug-in units.

The new MP1590B-17 or MU159101A-17 Traffic Impairment Emulator option is a unique all-in-one solution that provides network impairment emulation and performance measurement for carriers and network equipment vendors offering real-time applications such as IP-TV and VoIP. It enables the MP1590B to emulate network faults such as packet loss, error/packet overwrite, transmission delay, and packet jitter for both 10/100/1000 M and Gigabit Ethernet.

The MP1590B-30 High Precision Jitter Analysis option introduces new accuracy for jitter measurements and a traceable calibration standard that have never before been available in the industry.

Optical Transport Portfolio

Simultaneous multichannel measurement
All-in-one instrument for measuring SDH/SONET, PDH/DSn, OTN, Jitter performance
Supports EoS (GFP, VCAT, LCAS, Differential Delay) measurements
Supports 10 M/100 M/1000 M, Gigabit, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet measurements
High accuracy jitter measurement

Must-read documents:

Brochure: MP1590B Network Performance Tester

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