Anritsu VectorStar Broadband VNA ME7828A

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Anritsu

  • Model: ME7828A

  • Description:

    Anritsu’s ME7828A VectorStar Broadband VNA has been replaced by the ME7838A model.

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The VectorStar Broadband ME7828A system offers the following broadband performance features:

Broadband frequency coverage – starts at 70 kHz instead of 10 MHz.
Dynamic range: typical 90 dB vs 75 dB at 65 GHz
Measurement speed: 120 ms vs 500 ms for 201 pts.
Calibration and measurement stability: 0.1 dB vs 0.6 dB over 24 hrs.
Millimeter-wave waveguide coverage to 0.5 THz

This product has been discontinued.Replacement Model(s) : ME7838A/E/D

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