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Manufacturer: Anritsu
Model: MS2026B
MS2026B series is designed to bring 12-term, vector corrected 2-port magnitude, phase, group delay and fault location measurements to mobile field test applications. They can measure and display all 4 S-parameters at once without reconnection. These features make them ideally suited for antenna and cable diagnostics, from 5 kHz to 20 GHz, anytime, anywhere. Powerful options are available to replace the obsolete Vector Voltmeter equipment, perform DTF, power sensing and monitoring, and provide secure data operations. The MS202xB models also support waveguide measurements.
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The VNA Master MS2026B specifically addresses complex cable and antenna measurement needs in the field with accurate, vector corrected 2-port magnitude, phase, and Distance-To-Fault measurements. MS2026B covers a frequency band from 5 kHz to 6 GHz, which contains a wide variety of radio frequency communications systems, and also many radars and microwave communications systems, both coax and waveguide. Equally impressive, this measurement tool offers the industry’s first 12-term error correction algorithm in a handheld VNA. With a typical measurement speed of 750 sec per point, this is ideally suited for tuning application in the field. Using a 3-receiver architecture, the MS2026B can measure all 4 S-parameters at once with with a single connection to the DUT.
This product has been discontinued.Replacement Model(s) : MS2026C
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