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Manufacturer: Anritsu
Model: 3658-Series
Description: The 3658 series AutoCal® modules are automatic calibrators that provide fast, repeatable, and high-quality coaxial calibrations up to 40 GHz. These modules contain precisely characterized calibration standards that aid in the removal of normal
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The 3658 series AutoCal modules are automatic calibrators that provide fast, repeatable, and high-quality coaxial calibrations up to 40 GHz. These modules contain precisely characterized calibration standards that aid in the removal of normal systematic errors when using vector network analyzers (VNAs). AutoCal is available in three models: 0.04 GHz to 18 GHz, with N(m) to N(f) connectors, and 0.04 GHz to 20 GHz, with K(m) to K(f) connectors, and 0.04 GHz to 40 GHz, with K(m) to K(f) connectors.
This product has been discontinued.Replacement Model(s) : 36585 Series
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