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Manufacturer: Anritsu
Model: MP1590A
DATE OF DISCONTINUANCE: September 2004 The MP1590A Network Performance Tester is a measuring instrument capable of testing SONET/SDH, OTN, DSn, and PDH equipment as well as making jitter measurements with only one unit. It can perform OTN and SONET
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The MP1590A Network Performance Tester is a measuring instrument capable of testing SONET/SDH, OTN, DSn, and PDH equipment as well as making jitter measurements with only one unit. It can perform OTN and SONET/SDH testing using the input wavelength from an external Tunable Laser Source. Jitter measurement and external optical input functions are provided by plug-in units that can be used in various combinations as needed.
The MP1590A-30High Precision Jitter Analysis option introduces new accuracy for jitter measurements and a traceable calibration standard that have never before been available in the industry. Delivering an an industry-best 20 mUIp-p accuracy in jitter measurement, it is the only test instrument to support the phase analysis method recommended in the revised ITU-T Draft O.172. This option also includes measurement repeatability of 5 mUIp-p and guaranteed low intrinsic jitter of 50 mUIp-p. Furthermore, its Golden TX feature guarantees the jitter generation of the MP1590A’s transmitter, providing a known jitter value that can be used as a reference transmission for calibrating other jitter testers.
The MP1590A is equipped with Poisson error insertion and variable optical output power functions, so it can efficiently evaluate Forward Error Correction (FEC) used with OTN equipment. For SONET/SDH equipment, the MP1590A can perform Tandem Connection and Automatic Protection Switch (APS) tests. For DSn or PDH equipment, it can perform function tests using multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX/DEMUX) measurement, error insertion, or alarm addition.
This product has been discontinued.Replacement Model(s) : MP1590B
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