Associated Research Model 3145 40 Amp DC Ground Bond Tester

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Associated Research

  • Model: 3145

  • Description:

    1-40 Amp DC Ground Bond Tester

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The 3145 is a 40 Amp DC Ground Bond tester developed specifically for alternate energy and solar testing applications. It allows manufacturers to efficiently and cost-effectively meet specifications that require DC Ground Bond test current. The 3145 can be used stand alone or interconnected to the Hypot III family of Hipot testers to form a complete test system. The 3145 also comes standard with an RS-232 interface for applications that require PC control. It features the latest technology and is well suited for all DC Ground Bond test applications.

Patented CAL-ALERT® function
Patented VERI-CHEK® function
Electronic Dwell
4-wire measurement and milliohm offset
Storage of up to 10 setups with 3 steps per setup
Built-in Security settings
Minimum and maximum trip settings
Interconnect to Hypot® III to form a complete test system
30 Amps of test current
Patented CAL-ALERT® function
Patented VERI-CHEK® function
Electronic Dwell
4-wire measurement and milliohm offset
Storage of up to 10 setups with 3 steps per setup
Built-in Security settings
Minimum and maximum trip settings
Interconnect to Hypot® III to form a complete test system
40 Amps of test current
40 Amps of DC Ground Bond Test Current
RS-232 Interface
Storage of up to 10 setups with 3 steps per memory
4-wire measurement and milliohm offset
Graphic LCD improves efficiency
Electronic Dwell
Patented CAL-ALERT® function
Patented VERI-CHEK® function
Interconnection to Hypot® III to form a complete test system
Built-in security settings

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