Associated Research Model 3765 5 kVAC, 6 kVDC Hipot Tester

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Associated Research

  • Model: 3765

  • Description:

    5 kV @ 20 mA AC, 6 kV @ 7.5 mA DC Hipot Tester

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The 3765 is a 5 kVAC and 6 kVDC Hipot tester with an enhanced graphic LCD. It can be used as a bench-top instrument or controlled through entry-level automation with an RS-232 interface or with enhanced PLC Remote Control. It can also be interconnected to the HYAMP III family of Ground Bond testers to form a complete test system that will perform AC/DC Hipot and Ground Bond tests in a single DUT connection. It provides a simplified interface and the latest in technology & safety features. It is a perfect solution for entry level AC/DC Hipot testing applications.

RS-232 Interface available for automated control
Patented SmartGFI® function
Patented CAL-ALERT® function
Patented VERI-CHEK® function
Comes complete with a test box for products terminated in a line cord
Storage of up to 10 setups with 3 steps per setup
Built-in security settings
Digitally controlled arc detection system
No load setup of trip current and output voltage
Electronic ramping (up & down)
Built-in adjustable continuity test
Interconnection to HYAMP® III to form complete test system
RS-232 Interface available for automated control
Patented SmartGFI® function
Patented CAL-ALERT® function
Patented VERI-CHEK® function
Comes complete with a test box for products terminated in a line cord
Storage of up to 10 setups with 3 steps per setup
Built-in security settings
Digitally controlled arc detection system
No load setup of trip current and output voltage
Electronic ramping (up & down)
Built-in adjustable continuity test
Interconnection to HYAMP® III to form complete test system

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