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Combine the A4404 with the powerful DDS2014 software, a data cable, sensor and magnetic base for savings on a complete system for data collection and monitoring.
This is a packaged product that includes the A4404 Signal Analyzer Box and the powerful DDS2014 Analysis Software.
The A4404 Signal Analyzer Box is ideal for service and analytical operations. This model is identical to the input of the A4400-VA4 Pro, which is designed for processing measured signal. When the A4404-SAB is connected to a computer by USB and the software (VA4 Pro) is running, the user will get the same measuring system as the A4400-VA4 Pro. It has the same technical features, data processing, and number of channels as the A4400-VA4 Pro, but powered by USB connection so no external power is needed. The advantage of the A4404-SAB is it is lightweight, small in size, and has full compatibility with the A4400-VA4 Pro.
Includes: A4404 Signal Analyzer 4 Channel plus strobe input channel, std. sensor, sensor cable, magnetic sensor base. DDS2014 ProSoftware to load on computer or tablet to operate real time as a 4 channel data collector, run-up analyzer, balancer, recorder, FASIT, stethoscope, lubri and octave analyzer in one unit.
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