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EXCLUSIVE TETRA Network QoS Analysis, Protocol Logging and System Performance Analysis
Mobile networks following the TETRA standard form a basis for successful operation in the police and emergency services, airports, railways and for many other professional users. These user groups demand reliable and safe network operation and the best possible radio coverage.
The 8150 AirAnalyzer is an ideal tool for TETRA mobile and base station developers as well as professionals maintaining TETRA networks. With its two off-air receivers, full uplink and downlink TETRA communications can be recorded and analyzed to support various protocol and system level tests, which include:
Interoperability testing between mobiles and base stations
Quality analysis of TETRA network services, such as MCCH call loads and call statistics
Investigate problems during installation or expansion of TETRA networks
Locating carrier and interference problems
Analyzing voice communication quality
Verifying security features such authentication and air interface encryption
TETRA coverage maps
Message Sequence Charts (MSC)
Audio Decoder
Quality of Service
Call statics
SDS Statistics
Control Channel Load
Traffic Channel Load
TETRA Scanner
IQ Analyzer
Air Interface Encryption
Geo Maps
Direct Mode Operation (DMO)
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