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The WT300 series of digital power meters are the fifth generation of Yokogawa’s best-selling compact power meters: instruments that play a key part in ensuring optimum standards of energy efficiency and conservation by measuring the power consumption of electrical equipment. Combining accurate and reliable power measurement over a wide power range with flexibility, ease of use and a choice of communication interfaces, these instruments will help developers, engineers and manufacturers of electrical equipment to ensure that their products comply with emerging IEC and EN standards and increasingly complex and stringent specifications on energy efficiency. They provide ideal measurment solutions for various applications ranging from stand by power measurement to Energy star for various manufacturers such as domestic “white goods”, battery chargers, lighting systems.
First in Class:
Auto ranging function available in selected ranges.
The auto-range function is used to select or change the range automatically in specific ranges. This results in shorter range changing times, allowing more quick and efficient testing.
First in Industry:
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