N4880A Reference Clock Multiplier Model N4880A Accurate and simplified receiver testing for PCI Express, MIPI M-PHY and SD UHS-II $0.00 - $0.00 BUY NOW (0 reviews)
N4916B De-emphasis Signal Converter with Optional Clock Multiplier Model N4916B N4916B De-emphasis Signal Converter with Optional Clock Multiplier $0.00 - $0.00 BUY NOW (0 reviews)
N4963A Clock Synthesizer 13.5 GHz Model N4963A The N4963A Clock Synthesizer 13.5 GHz is a wideband signal generator with high-UI jitter injection capability. $0.00 - $0.00 BUY NOW (0 reviews)
N4968A Clock and Data Demultiplexer 44 Gb/s Model N4968A The N4968A Clock and Data Demultiplexer operates up to 44 Gb/s and is designed to simplify high-bit rate BER measurements at half- or quarter-rate speeds. $0.00 - $0.00 BUY NOW (0 reviews)
N4983A Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Model N4983A The N4983A Multiplexer and Demultiplexer offer continuous coverage over a broad bandwidth for use in telecom and datacom applications. $0.00 - $0.00 BUY NOW (0 reviews)
N4984A Clock Divider Model N4984A The N4984A Clock Divider (divide by 1/2/4/8) is a general purpose test accessory used in microwave communications and test applications. $0.00 - $0.00 BUY NOW (0 reviews)