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The Keysight Technologies N4968A clock and data demultiplexer 44 Gb/s is a small high-performance 3.5 to 44 Gb/s clock and data demultiplexer, designed to simplify the process of making high-bitrate BER measurements at half- or quarter-rate speeds. The N4968A clock and data demultiplexer 44 Gb/s is capable of operating in demux-by-2 (17 to 8.5 Gb/s) or demux-by-4 (38 to 9.5 Gb/s) modes, with an adjustable sub-rate clock output for triggering BER testers, oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, or other instruments.
100G Ethernet (4 × 25.78 Gb/s)
High bit rate research
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