At the design stage of component development it is vitally important to understand how the component performs under different operating conditions. This might include operation at diverse frequencies, AC drive levels or DC bias currents.
The 3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer can plot any of the measurement functions, such as inductance (L) or impedance (Z), (including secondary term) against frequency, AC drive level or DC bias current.
Frequency sweeps within the range 20 Hz to 3 MHz can be selected. There is a choice of either linear or logarithmic frequency displays.
3260B is especially suitable for measuring parameters on telecom transformers.
The selected measurement parameter and its secondary value are presented graphically. AC drive levels can be set between 1 mV and 10 V. DC bias current can be set from 1 mA to 1 A internally. Using external 3265B 25 A DC Bias Units bias currents can be set to a maximum of 125 A.
Measure Insertion Loss and Return Loss on telecom transformers
With the dramatic growth of PCs connected to the telephone system for Internet access has come the requirement to measure Insertion Loss (IL) and Return Loss (RL) of line matching transformers.
The 3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer not only measures IL and RL has this capability. but the instrument also allows the user to enter the values for terminating resistance or impedance, if complex, and to select a damped network or blocking capacitor if required.