Hp/Agilent/Keysight 1156A Active Probe, 1.5 GHz

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: 1156A

  • Description:

    34980A Multfunction/Switch Measure Unit diagnostics board to verify switch control signals Recommended for troubleshooting purposes.

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The Keysight 1156A, 1157A, and 1158A family of active probes offers R & D engineers the performance they need to probe small geometries in hard-to-reach areas on the DUT. These probes were designed specifically for the Infiniium Series, and InfiniiVision 5000, 6000 and 7000 Series 300 MHz – 1 GHz oscilloscopes.

As the speeds in your design increase, you may notice more overshoot, ringing, and other perturbations when connecting an oscilloscope probe. Probes form a resonant circuit where they connect to the device. If this resonance is within the bandwidth of the oscilloscope probe you are using, it will be difficult to determine if the measurement perturbations are due to your circuit or the probe.

Keysight is the only company that has overcome the resonance formed by the connection of a probe to a device. The Keysight 1156/7/8A probes optimize performance to make your job easier.

Notice: The Keysight 1156A was discontinued June 1, 2011. End of support life for this product is Sept. 1, 2016.

The N2795/96A active probe is the recommended replacement probe.

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