Hp/Agilent/Keysight 16751A 400 MHz State, 2 GHz Timing, 68 Channel Logic Analyzer Module with 16M Memory

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: 16751A

  • Description:

    The Keysight 16751A logic analyis module offers industry-leading memory depth and…

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Currently available products with similar or more advanced capabilities can be found at: Logic Analyzer Measurement ModulesThe Keysight 16751A logic analyis module has been discontinued and is replaced by the 16751B. Features and specifications of the 16751B are identical to the 16751A. 16751A and 16751B modules can be combined in multi-module sets. 16751A data and configuration files are compatible with the 16751B.

Features400 MHz state speed800 MHz timing speed16 M memory depth68-channels per module

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