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Whether you are designing boards,devices or systems, storage solutions are expected to work without compromise in complex environments. Our need to store more data, access it faster, and rely on it more pushes up the data rate. The next generation of Fibre Channel runs at 8.5 Gb/s, a doubling of the speed that has an exponential effect on the complication of design. Whether in
electrical or optical signals, from physical layer to the protocol stack, testing at 8.5 Gb/s confronts you with new fibre channel test challenges.
A breadth and complexity of challenges dominate 8G Fibre Channel test development efforts. Whether testing boards, cables, transmitters, receivers, or whole systems, the scope of Keysights portfolio, including new products specifically for 8G Fibre Channel, testing meets your needs with:
Powerful opportunities to exercise and stress
Productive insights into real performance
Increased test productivity through ease of setup and understandable results
Only Keysight can address your test needs as you move from physical to link, network and session layers. This simplifies comparing results throughout design and development, as well as between development cycles. Unified platforms make it even easier to test across protocols, for example to cross-correlate between protocols inside and outside the server, at the junction where PCI EXPRESS interacts with Fibre Channel.
FC-0 Physical layer test tools
Infiniium DCA-J wideband oscilloscope mainframe
DSO80000B Series Ultra-high Performance Infiniium Oscilloscopes
N4903A High-Performance Serial BERT
PXIT Family of Products
FC-1/FC-2 Data Link and Network Layer Test tools
1736A 8G Fibre Channel Test Module
Protocol Analyzer
SAN Tester
PCI EXPRESS is a registered trademark of the PCI-SIG
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