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Manufacturer: Anritsu
Model: MP1630B
DATE OF DISCONTINUANCE: June 2003 The MP1630B is a general purpose Bit Error Rate measuring instrument that can simultaneously measure up to 16 channel signals and burst signals in the range from 10 kHz to 200 MHz. The built in high performance sy
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The MP1630B is a general purpose Bit Error Rate measuring instrument that can simultaneously measure up to 16 channel signals and burst signals in the range from 10 kHz to 200 MHz. The built in high performance synthesizer generates high accuracy signals across a wide frequency range up to 200 MHz. A variety of test patterns can be generated which includes PRBS, Programmable, Zero Substitution, Mixed and PON pattern. With the Mixed Pattern, test signals such as SONET/ATM pseudo test signal including complex communications protocols can be generated.
There is no need to have multiple instruments stacked up for Clock Source, Pattern Generator and Error Detector. All of these are combined in a single platform with a host of powerful features and test patterns for the evaluation of digital signals such as eye margin, error performance, delay measurement etc. Operation is made simple as platform based on Microsoft Windows with intuitive GUI, large color LCD, mouse and touch screen in addition to rotary encoder and keys on the front panel.
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