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The Keysight 54540C 500 MHz realtime oscilloscopes have the extra performance and features that you need to get an accurate view of the high frequency signals you encounter, whether you do analog or digital design, R&D or manufacturing test. With 32 K memory per channel, 4 channels, sample rate up to 2 GSa/s, 1 ns peak detect, and sophisticated triggering, you can be confident that you won’t miss critical signal activity. These feature rich digitizing scopes also include standard FFT, floppy disk drive, and sequential single shot acquisition for better analysis and characterization of your signals. Choose between a color flat-panel display (54540C) or monochrome display (54540A).
Maximum Sample Rate
HP 54540C 2 GSa/s (1 CH on), 1 GSa/s (2 CH on)
500 MSa/s (3 or 4 CH on)
Number of Channels (all are simultaneous acquisition)
HP 54540C: 4
Record Length
32,768 pts (real time) maximum
501 pts (repetitive)
8 bits, 10 bits via HP-IB with averaging
Vertical Specifications
Repetitive Bandwidth
500 MHz (equivalent time) (rise time <= 700 ps)
Real Time Bandwidth
HP 54540C 125 MHz (3 or 4 CH) 250 MHz (2 CH)
500 MHz (1 CH)
1 mV/div to 5 V/div
dc Gain Accuracy
± 1.25% of full scale
Input Impedance
R: 1 Mohm ± 1% or 50 ohm ± l%
C: 7 pF nominal
Input Coupling
ac, dc
Maximum Input
1 Mohm ± 250 V (dc + ac) [ac< l0 kHz]
50 ohms: 5 V rms
Offset Range
Vertical Sensitivity Available Offset
1 mV to 50 mV/div ±2 V
>50 mV to 250 mV/div ±l0 V
>250 mV to 1.25 V/div ±50 V
>1.25 V/div to 5 V/div ±250 V
Offset Accuracy
±(l.25% of channel offset + 2% of full scale)
Voltage Measurement Accuracy
Dual Cursor ±[(1.25%)(full scale)+(0.032)(V/div)]
Single Cursor ±[(1.25%)(full scale)+(offset accuracy)
Horizontal Specifications
Time Base Range
500 ps/div to 5 s/div
10 ps
Delta-t Accuracy
Repetitive: (> 8 averages) [(0.005%)(delta-t)+(100 ps
+ 0.1 % of full scale)]
Real Time [(0.005%)(delta-t)+(0.2)(sample period)]
Peak Detect [(0.005%)(delta-t)+(l sample period)]
Time Tag
Resolution 100 ps
Accuracy ±[0.005%(reading)+l00ps]
Delay Range (posttrigger) 10E07 x sample period
Delay Range (pretrigger) 32K x (sample period)
Trigger Specifications
Sensitivity dc to 100 MHz 100 MHz to 500 MHz
Internal 0.5 div 1.0 div
External (54520C) 0.0225 x (signal range) 0.045 x (signal range)
Auxiliary dc to 50 MHz: 250 mVp-p
Pulse Width (minimum) 1 ns
Level Range
Internal ±1.5 X full scale from center screen
External (54520A/C) ±25V
Auxiliary ±5V
Modes Edge, pattern, glitch, time qualified pattern,
line, state event-delayed, time-delayed, TV
(NTSC, PAL, and user-definable formats)
Trigger Coupling dc, ac, low frequency reject
Display Characteristics
Display Mode "A" models feature monochrome CRT (Cathode Ray
Tube) displays. "C" models feature flatpanel color
TFT (Thin Film Transistor) liquid-crystal displays.
Modes Averaging from 2 to 2048, envelope, infinite &
variable persistence from 500 ms to 10 s, connect
the dots, peak detect
Graticules full grid, axes, frame, or no graticule
Automatic 23 measurements on front panel or over HP-IB:
Rise time V p-p V dc rms
Fall time V min Preshoot
Frequency V max Overshoot
Period V avg Voltage at time
- Width V base Time at min voltage
+ Width V amptd Time at max voltage
Duty cycle V top Time at voltage
Delta time V ac rms
Both upper and lower thresholds can be set from
-25% to 125% for all automatic measurements
Continuous, statistics, limit test, or waveform
Math/Analysis Functions Operators
add, subtract, multiply, versus, integrate,
differentiate, invert magnify, and FFT
Additional Characteristics
Peak Detect Captures and displays glitches or other high-speed
events as narrow as 1 ns in real-time mode at sample
rates of 250 MSa/s or less with sequential single-shot
turned off.
Sequential Captures successive single-shot events without
Single Shot capturing the dead time in between, and stores up
to 400 Kbytes of waveform data.
Sequential Single-shot Throughput
Record Waveforms Stored Max Number of
Length Per Second Waveforms Stored
50 1333 4395
500 1111 739
8000 294 49
32,000 90 12
Waveform Store
4 nonvolatile, 2 pixel (volatile), and segmentable
memory for storing measurement failure waveforms or
sequential single-shot waveforms.
Screen Update Rate (typical at 500 ns/div)
record length (points)
Real Time 500 8K 16K 32K
updates/s. 150 110 84 58
Repetitive normal 8 avgs 128 avgs
updates/s: 150 91 91
Optional Telecommunication-Mask Application
Make telecom mask-template measurements to ANSI, CCITT, and ISDN standards using the HP 54520 or 54540 series oscilloscopes equipped with Option 001. Option 001 features 21 standard masks stored on a flexible disk. You can automatically trigger on positive isolated ones in live traffic for many standard telecom signals. The scope will automatically best-fit the test signal to many masks and give automatic pass-fail comparisons of the mask to its corresponding input signal.
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