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Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight
Model: 54720D
The Keysight 54720D real-time oscilloscope provides the superior bandwidth, sample rate, flatness, and accuracy you need to capture intermittent design problems.
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The Keysight 54720D real-time oscilloscope provides the superior bandwidth, sample rate, flatness, and accuracy you need to capture intermittent design problems. The 54720D allows sample rates to 8 GSa/s and a single-shot analog bandwidth of 2-GHz. Each of the four 2 GSa/s A/Ds have 64K of memory allowing 256k points of acquisition at the maximum sample rate. One channel at 8 GSa/s, orTwo channels at 4 GSa/s, orFour channels at 2 GSa/s, orUp to 8 channels at 2 GSa/s8-bit ADC systems2.0 GHz system bandwidth30 ps time-interval accuracy (equivalent time) 25-ps time-interval accuracy (real time)2.5-GHz, 0.6-pF active probing3.5-inch, MS-DOS-compatible disk drive
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