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Manufacturer: ROHDE & SCHWARZ
Model: 6156
ADCMT6156 DC Voltage/Current Source – DC voltage and current sources suitable for semiconductor or electronic components characteristics evaluation or calibrations of meters or measuring instruments.
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The 6156 is precision DC voltage/current sources suitable for semiconductor or electronic components characteristics evaluation and for calibration of meters or measuring instruments. Its comfortable synchronization possibilities with multiple units or other instruments makes it perfect for system use in electronic component test systems.
5_ -digit calibration source (0 to 32.0000 V, 0 to 220.000 mA)
Precision bipolar DC voltage/current source
High resolution: 100nV / 10 nA
High accuracy: 0.015% voltage, 0.02% current basic accuracy
Linear sweep function
Synchronous operation of multiple units
GPIB and USB interface as standard
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