No Current Sellers for ROHDE & SCHWARZ 6247C
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The 6247C/6247G is a DC voltage current source/monitor designed for evaluating high-voltage semiconductors and LED luminaries that demand high efficiency and low power consumption. It is capable of outputting voltage up to +250 V and current up to 320 mA and features high source (100 V/100 pA) and measurement (10 V/10 pA) resolution. The 6247C/6247G is equipped with various types of sweep and measurement functions. It offers synchronous operation with multiple units and other instruments, making it ideal for use in electronic component test systems.
-15 V to +250 V / 0 to 320 mA
DC and pulsed operation
Best for testing high-voltage LED luminaires
GPIB/USB (6247G) or RS232/USB (6247C) interface
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