Hp/Agilent/Keysight 66106A DC Power Module, 200V, 0.75A

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: 66106A

  • Description:

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Keysight high performance DC power supplies offer speed and accuracy for test optimization. The modular power system, 1200 W per mainframe, GPIB 66100 series permits up to 8 outputs of 150 W per output in 4U of rack space reconfigure fast with easily swappable modules fast, low-noise outputs and LIST mode and advance triggering system.

The Keysight 150W, GPIB, module output 66106A is a flexible modular supply designed for automated testing that helps meet changing requirements in ATE and production test with a modular design that conserves rack space and simplifies system cabling and assembly.

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