81250 ParBert (Central Clock Modules for ParBERT 81250 - E4805B, E4808A, E4809A)

Product Details

  • Manufacturer:

  • Model: E4805B-ATO

  • Description:

    In order to run a ParBERT 81250 system at least one clock module is necessary to generate the system clock.

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Each ParBERT 81250 system consists of at least one clock module, which generates the system clock for at least one generator or analyzer or any mix. The ParBERT 81250 platform offer three different Central Clock modules:

E4805B 675 MHz Central Clock module which works with the following modules E4832A ParBERT 675 Mb/s, E4861A ParBERT 2.7/1.6 Gb/s

E4808A High Performance Central Clock module which works with the following modules E4832A ParBERT 675 Mb/s, E4861A ParBERT 2.7/1.6 Gb/s, E4861B ParBERT 3.35 Gb/s, E4810A/11A ParBERT 3.35 Gb/s optical, E4866A/67A ParBERT 10.8 Gb/s, E4868B/69B ParBERT 45 Gb/s

E4809A 13.5 GHz Central Clock module which works with the following modules E4832A ParBERT 675 Mb/s, E4861B ParBERT 3.35 Gb/s, E4810A/11A ParBERT 3.35 Gb/s optical, N4872A/73A ParBERT 13.5 Gb/

System clock for any PartBERT system configuration

External Start/Stop

Ext. Clock / Ext. Reference

Trigger output allows to trigger other test equipment or an oscilloscope

Guided Deskew


Support of multiple frames, multiple clock groups and master/slave

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