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Replacement: 34980A multifunction switch/measurement unit with 34945A switch/attenuator driverThe Keysight 34980A multifunction switch/measurement unit with the Keysight 34945A switch/attenuator driver is the recommended replacement product. The Keysight 34945A switch/attenuator driver module for the 34980A multifunction switch/measure unit allows you to control switches and attenuators external to the 34980A Mainframe. You can also consider using 11713A attenuator/switch driver. The Keysight 11713A attenuator/switch driver provides GPIB or “local” front panel drive control for programmable attenuators and electromechanical switches. Concurrently drive up to two Keysight 8494/5/6/7, Keysight 84904/6/7K/L programmable attenuators and two electromechanical switches (Keysight 8761, 8762, or 8765 Series). For more information.
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