Hp/Agilent/Keysight 87222D Coaxial Transfer Switch, DC to 40 GHz

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: 87222D

  • Description:

    The Keysight 87222D 4-port coaxial transfer switch provides exceptional repeatability, low insertion loss, and high isolation.

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Flexibility is essential in signal routing applications, and the Keysight 87222D 4-port coaxial transfer switch offers just that. It p rovides exceptional repeatability, low insertion loss, and high isolation. These switches provide simplification of design in signal routing and conditioning applications. The Keysight 87222D can be used in a variety of applications such as, a drop-out switch, switching two inputs and two outputs, or signal reversal switching.

Exceptional repeatability for more than 5 million cycles < 0.03 dB

Excellent isolation, typically >120 dB at 26.5 GHz, >60 dB at 40 GHz

Opto-electronic indicators and interrupts

Magnetic latching

TTL/5V CMOS compatible

Opto-electronic indicators and interrupts

Magnetic latching

TTL/5V CMOS compatible

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