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Preamplifiers and System Noise Figure Application Note This note discusses noise figure basics including applications and characteristics of Keysightsamplifier technology. Highlighted are Keysights 87405C portable preamplifiers that provide an exceptional gain of 25 dB up to 18 GHz and a probe-power bias connection which eliminates the need for an additional DC power supply. Read the Preamplifiers and System Noise Figure Application Note now!
The Keysight 87405B microwave component amplifier brings compact, reliable gain block performance to systems integrators and microwave designers. With 22 dB minimum gain block and over 8 dBm output power, this amplifier offers output power where it is needed: at the test port.
Accessories Website
Superior RF Performance
22 dB gain
8 dBm output power
5 dB noise figure
Bias Option
DC Bias Volt/Amp: +15 V at 80 mA
Compact size, integral bias regulation
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