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Model 3322 is a 3U single-slot, PCI-based power amplifier designed for signal amplification. Offering unmatched signal purity, Model 3322 amplifies signals from dc to over 20 MHz. The unit has a fixed gain of x10, however, the same amplifier is available with custom gain, with no signal purity or performance degradation.
Solves Common Problems
A common problem with PXI equipment is the inability to produce high voltages resulting from low power supply rails. For example, waveform generators or similar signal source devices draw power from 12V rails. Consequently, they cannot produce signals above 10Vp-p into 50?. Model 3222 solves this problem by using DC/DC converters to increase rail voltages which, along with custom components and unique design, enable amplification of input signals to 40Vp-p into high impedance, or 20Vp-p into 50?.
Allows Full Current Rating to Other Devices
The power amplifier draws current only from the +5V rail, leaving the other power supply rails free to supply their full current rating to other devices.
Ground Level
Model 3322 can be supplied with input and output connectors that are isolated from case ground allowing the amplifier to float from case ground level up to 250VDC. The only limitation is that both the input and output grounds must connect to the same ground level. This capability is extremely important in applications where the amplifying device must reside on the same ground level as its source. The floating capability can be added or removed using a simple, user-accessible jumper connection.
Target Applications
Although the model 3222 wideband amplifier occupies a single slot, its performance is unique and outstanding by any standards. With 40Vp-p and over 20MHz bandwidth one can use model 3222 for virtually any application. A common application is in the automotive industry where signals need to be in the 12V to 28V range. Another application would be in the aviation industry where even higher levels are required to route signals throughout the aircraft body.
Cost Effective Solution
Model 3222 is a cost-effective, versatile power amplifier that opens the door to numerous applications, specifically implemented with PXI equipment.
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