Hp/Agilent/Keysight 6812A AC Power Source / Analyzer 750 VA

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: 6812A

  • Description:

    AC Power Source/Analyzers for Generation
    and Measurement

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Save space on a lab bench or in a test rack with this flexible instrument. With the built-in power analyzer, this AC Power Source / Power Analyzer combines the capabilities of a multimeter, oscilloscope, harmonic analyzer, arbitrary waveform generator, and power analyzer all in one device. The Agilent 6812A may also be used to produce DC power, either alone or as a DC offset to an AC waveform. An optional second power analyzer is available, which can be used independently from the source, or for dual-node measurements such as power supply input/output efficiency tests.

0-300 Vrms single phase
45 Hz to 1 kHz
Built-in GPIB/RS-232
Standard line input is 120 Vac single phase 47-63 Hz

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