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The MW90010A Coherent OTDR (C-OTDR) detects faults in ultra-long optical submarine cables of up to 12,000km including multiple repeaters (EDFA). It is the ideal solution for evaluating new cables at service deployment as well as for troubleshooting in-service faults.
Specifications:ItemSpecification ValueFiber under test
Ultra-long distance reach up to 12,000 km
Compact and lightweight all-in-one design for on-site / on-ship portability
Fault detection with 10-m distance resolution
Wide dynamic range supporting fault detection and troubleshooting of submarine cables with repeaters at 80km or wider intervals
Integrated tunable light source with high wavelength accuracy of +0.2nm for wavelength setting range of 1535.03 to 1565.08 nm
Adjustable output power from 0 to +13 dBm
Simple and easy touch-panel operation for easy first-time use
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