Anritsu Digital Transmission Analyzer ME3401A

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Anritsu

  • Model: ME3401A

  • Description:

    The ME3401A Digital Transmission Analyzer is ideal for testing, evaluating, and monitoring of DS1, DS1C, DS2 and DS3 systems and networks. This multifunctional equipment has five different error detection functions (such as: bit, parity, frame, bipo

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The ME3401A Digital Transmission Analyzer is ideal for testing, evaluating, and monitoring of DS1, DS1C, DS2 and DS3 systems and networks. This multifunctional equipment has five different error detection functions (such as: bit, parity, frame, bipolar violation, and CRC-6), seven measurement functions (such as: error rate, error count, error seconds, % error free seconds, threshold error seconds, error performance data, and alarm seconds), jitter modulation and measurement function, and multiplexer test functions. These functions make the ME3401A a powerful tool for troubleshooting and maintenance of digital radios, fiber optic systems, and digital multiplexers. Additionally, live traffic performance can be measured by using a wide input range, the frame error detection function and the demultiplex function. The ME3401A is portable, easy to operate, and has a built-in printer. The printer outputs the measurement results and automatically records the time, and contents when an error or alarm occurs. The receiver makes it easy to measure the error rate or error count distribution and error performance per ITU-T G.821. The waveforms and framing formats generated by the ME3401A conform to Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore).

The ME3401A can be used with a variety of systems, such as automatic measuring systems with a GPIB interface, or systems that collect data from remote locations via an RS-232C interface or modem.

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