OWON D35 OWON Digital Multimeter - 35 category

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: OWON

  • Model: D35

  • Description:

    3(5/6)-digit OWON Handheld Digital Multimeter – 35 category

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The OWON Digital Multimeters category 35 – general characteristics are:
Data via Bluetooth, interacting with mobile device to read measurements, analyze via special chart mode, remote control, voice-out feature; voice warning supported, which enhances measurement safety (B35 only);
3 and 5/6 digit reading, achieving higher measurement accuracy
Larger display, easier data-reading; analog bar graph is displayed synchronously;
Multi-connection (more than one device) supported via mobile APP;
Temperature measuring function;
Backlit-powered screen, more suitable for dark measurement environment;
Smart power-off function, extending battery life;
Thin-tipped test lead (optional) to measure the pins of small package device;
True RMS value available (only in B35T and D35T).

function as 3 in 1 : datalogger + multimeter + temperature meter
multi-connection (more than one device) supported via mobile app
the change trend analysis accessible via special chart mode
voice warning supported, which assures measurement safety
smart voice-reading accessible
3(5/6)-digit full scale reading, achieving higher measurement accuracy than 3(3/4)-digit counterparts
smart power-off option extending battery life
true RMS value available (only in B35T, and D35T)
offline recording function (only in B35+, and B35T+)
Bluetooth 2.0 version – supports mobile device with Android 4.0 or above OS
Bluetooth 4.0 version – supports mobile device with Android 4.3 or above / iOS 7.0 or above OS, and equipped with ble 4.0 module

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