Xantrex XMP 2600 Multiple Output Power System

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Xantrex

  • Model: XMP2600

  • Description:

    Multiple Output Programmable DC Power
    Supply System

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The Xantrex Modular Power System
(XMP 2600) is a multiple-output programmable
DC power supply system.
The system is an ideal solution for ATE
A 19 × 5 1/4 (3U high) mainframe, the
XMP includes a controller and can be
configured with a selection of up to eight
modules. For added flexibility, modules
of different power ratings can be combined
within the same XMP mainframe.
The system automatically reconfigures
itself when new modules are installed.
The modules come in a variety of sizes
and power ratings: 1/8 width, ranging
from 160 W to 720 W; 2/8 width, ranging
from 640 W to 1.6 kW; and 3/8 width high
power modules ranging from 2.8 kW to
3.2 kW, limited by the XMP mainframe
power envelope.
The XMP mainframe can be populated
with modules having an overall power of
several kW. Within the power envelope of
the XMP mainframe, output power can be
drawn from different modules at different
times. No other single power system has
this flexibility.
All XMP functions can be programmed
through a GPIB (IEEE-488) or RS-232
interface, or manually commanded and
monitored from the front panel for
convenient hands-on operation. LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, TestPoint and
AtEasy drivers are available for easy
integration of these functions in a
customized system. The XMP comes with
a convenient virtual panel and tutorial

GPIB or RS-232 controlled
19 × 51/4 (3 U high) mainframe with
controller to accommodate up to 8 modules
1/8, 2/8, and 3/8 width modules available
ranging from 8 v to 160 v and 1.25 A to 80 A
Individual module processor control
Power envelope: 2.4 kW, 2.6 kW intermittent
Power envelope monitoring and control
Polarity and isolation relays
Readback of voltage and current
External synchronization
Extensive DUT protection features
Workpoint window warning
Multichannel 10 store/recall locations
99 steps auto sequencing
Software-based calibration
Local panel and keyboard
Low ripple and noise
Power Factor Correction (PFC), wide range
mains operation

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