Hp/Agilent/Keysight E1459A 64-Channel Isolated Digital Input/Interrupt

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: E1459A

  • Description:

    The Keysight E1459A is a C-size, 1-slot, register-based VXI module. It is used to sense dc levels and edge transitions up to 48 Vdc.

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The Keysight E1459A 64-channel isolated digital input/interrupt is a C-size, 1-slot, register-based VXI module. It is used to sense dc levels and edge transitions up to 48 Vdc. All inputs are optically isolated to withstand up to 125 V rms or Vdc. Plus, using the module’s built-in 5 V supply with 9.4 kOhms effective pull-up resistance, you can detect whether external switches are open or closed.

The debounce feature is programmable for periods of 16 s to 1074 s in binary increments. Channel groups 1 to 32 and 33 to 64 can each have a unique programmed debounce period.

Each word (16-bit/channel) has strobe in, ready for data, and interrupt out. Strobe-in lines can be connected in parallel for 32- or 64-bit transfers.

1-Slot, C-size, register based

64 interrupts, maskable and edge-selectable

Jumper-selectable input levels

Time-programmable debounce

On-board 5 V supply for pull-up capability

Handshake lines for each word (16 channels)

For complete details, click on the Data Sheet link.

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